
In this section, you will find the most frequently asked questions related to the selection and purchase of V-PROTECT dividing blinds and partitions. If you do not find the answer to your question here, do not hesitate to contact us at info@4inside.eu.
How to order?
You can place your order by clicking on the Configure button, which redirects you to the product configurator. Here you can select the desired product and configure its parameters:
  • product reference (your product name - for example: "Roller blind for bedroom")
  • quantity (number of pieces),
  • product dimensions in mm (width, height),
  • fabric selection (according to the swatch),
  • control selection (control type - electric motor x chain, motor type x colour, chain length),
  • control side (left x right),
  • choice of mounting - it depends on whether you prefer direct mounting (V-PROTECT roller blinds) or distance (V-PROTECT partitions) see section TECHNOLOGY. Depending on this, you will either select the mounting console option or not.
  • system colour (white x grey x black).
​After entering your preferred parameters, click on the Summary button, which redirects you to the next step - Order summary. After checking the correctness of the entered parameters and the resulting price, you can either return to editing the order using the Back to Edit button or click the Finish and Add to Cart button to go to the next step - Cart content.

In the Cart content, you can recapitulate your order and check the Cart content, including the price of the goods and the option of entering a discount coupon. Clicking Continue to the next step will take you to the step of entering your billing and shipping address.

After entering the correct data, use the Continue button to go to the next step to select the transport (personal collection, transport company) and payment (payment by bank transfer, online payment by card).

In the last step of the Cart, you will find the Order recapitulation - billing and delivery address, the chosen transport and payment method, and the total amount of the order incl. VAT. By clicking on the Finish the order button, send it for processing and after its payment, you will receive a payment confirmation, receipt, acceptance of the order and information about its delivery to the e-mail address you entered.
What is needed for mounting?
Mounting is simple and can be done by almost anyone. Instructions for direct and remote mounting are easily described below or in the TECHNOLOGY section.

A) DIRECT MOUNTING - motor control

prima-montaz-mo.PNG prima-montaz.PNG

prima-montaz-mo-2.PNG      prima-montaz-mo-3.PNG

B) DIRECT MOUNTING - chain control


C) DISTANT MOUNTING - motor control

* When ordering, it is necessary to enter the total height of the console from the ceiling to the axis of the blind.

distancni-montaz-mo3.PNG                 distancni-montaz-mo4.PNGdistancni-montaz-mo5.PNG
D) DISTANT MOUNTING - chain control

* When ordering, it is necessary to enter the total height of the console from the ceiling to the axis of the blind.


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